life, roundup, Shanti, Shar, travel

January Wrap UP

We’re 1/12th through the year! Our January went pretty fast, and we were lucky enough to spend most of it together. So instead of separate wrap ups, we’re going to talk about some of what we have been up to.

Continue reading “January Wrap UP”


The Hamilton Issue (or, one of them)

In June 2016, I started listening to the soundtrack of the Broadway musical Hamilton. Created by (now mega-famous) Puerto Rican American Lin-Manuel Miranda, it followed the story of someone that has limited, if any, relevance to my life: American Founding Father Alexander Hamilton. I’m an Indian-New Zealander, and had never heard of Hamilton (let alone the Founding Fathers). But the music was catchy, clever, and undeniably brilliant. So I kept listening. And then, ever so slowly, and with conversations with others, I fell out of love with Hamilton. Continue reading “The Hamilton Issue (or, one of them)”


Loving productivity (and why that’s a problem)

I love being productive. I think most people do. Getting stuff done feels good. At the end of every day, I like to be able to look back and think: I did something today. This has an unfortunate flipside, however: I am not good at taking breaks. This is not to say that I don’t take breaks. I procrastinate on youtube and read books instead of doing work and check twitter (and check it again) (and wish I had something to say but I usually don’t). But I inevitably feel guilty about this. Continue reading “Loving productivity (and why that’s a problem)”