
Mini reviews-Anne, Aurora, Rental Person who Does Nothing

that feeling when you have a blog dedicated to books but you are not dedicated to it so you post book reviews on your non-book blog

Anne of Green Gables and nature writing

A few months ago, Shanti read me the start of Anne of Green Gables as a bedtime story. It reminded me how much I loved this childhood classic, and I sat down and read the whole thing the next afternoon.  I finished Anne of Avonlea then was sidetracked by other books.

One aspect of Anne that I really noticed upon rereading was how firmly rooted it is in place. It’s set in Prince Edward Island, which is far from anywhere I have ever been, but L.M. Montgomery’s love of her home island shines through every page*. Looking at the book with the lens of an ecologist and a person who finds solace in the outside world has given me a new appreciation for the book. At the same time, some parts of Anne seem ridiculously backward in their ideology. Here’s a few quotes I highlighted from Anne of Avonlea and my analyses of them, just to exercise my English muscles. I would have written more because I was feeling really inspired until I found out that Shanti’s friend did an entire Honour’s English thesis on this very topic and realised that I couldn’t do that much of a deep dive, so went for a shallow dive instead.

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life, Shanti, Shar, travel

February Wrap Up

Yes, February is a month that has happened! So was January, but we just…forgot to do a post about it. So if this post contains a few little January things that sneak in that’s why. Daylight Differentials has charged triumphantly into 2019…well, we haven’t entirely stopped posting, which is something. Great things are afoot! We may not disappear! And, without further ado…this has been February.

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life, Shanti, Shar

November Wrap Up

November is over, and we’re into the last month of the year. Shar and I are done with exams and uni and all that and we’re both working (mostly Shar) and mooching around (mostly me) and learning to drive on the open road (Shar) and learning to drive in the city (me), and November was a strange time and quite busy but not unpleasant, mostly.

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life, random thoughts, Shanti

Time for Media

I consider myself a busy person, (mostly because overcommitted is the only way I know how to exist). and that’s good. But at the same time, I (somehow??) manage to consume a lot of media. I watch about one movie a week, I read countless articles, a few books every week, these days the odd bit of TV (I am, in fact, writing this while watching Dancing with the Stars New Zealand, and I’m not even ashamed of it.), and I listen to lots of music. Where does the time for this come from?, I often ask myself.

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